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[22 Nov 2013|06:38pm]

Hey guys! This is Garrett Saunders, a junior from Kinnelon, New Jersey. His time has been divided fairly equally between the family home there and his mother's place in New York City, so friends from the Jersey 'burbs or NYC would be awesome (he knows [info]terrie from way back, so anyone else who does should definitely say hi). When he was at ~dormroom he was on team Sherwood, though I'm not sure if he will be here or not, but a roommate would be awesome, as well as roomies from freshman and sophomore year.

He's [info]tfiona's on/off ex. They're off and have been since about two weeks into the school year, so anyone he might have hooked up with on the sly might be fun to write out. He's involved in lacrosse and soccer, but his main focus is swimming and diving, and that's where he's the most competitive. He hosts The Morning 'Wood on the student radio station with [info]manolis and possibly [info]juney if we're recovering our line from ~dormroom. He's also a member of the National Honors Society, which he doesn't take lightly due to his goal of getting into Cornell. He's been fairly rebellious lately, which happens at the end of every term and turns him into a serious trouble maker. Last year he was nearly suspended for starting a dirty selfie exchange game in class with a point system attached, which gained him some notoriety.

Anyway, I'm completely open to brainstorming, and his schedule is available in his journal so please hit me with any ideas you might have or say hi if we started to work something out via pbads!
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[19 Nov 2013|09:02am]

i am absolutely awful with these types of posts, so please humor me.

this is tuireann o'briain. he's 16 years old, a junior on team remington, and his roommate is [info]marslon. born and raised in liscannor, county clare, ireland he moved to new york about a year and a half ago with his mother and younger siblings (3 girls and 1 boy) after his mother married an american. his father still lives in ireland and tuireann is very close with him so they try to see one another as often as possible. outside of the divorce, his family life is pretty picturesque and "normal" whatever that means these days. he often finds that a bit boring which is one reason he's always been so intrigued by storytelling. his hobbies include many things from making short films, playing piano, guitar or ukulele while singing silly songs he's written, drawing/painting, cooking and eating, but above all he adores writing. he wants to be an author/illustrator someday, mostly focusing on children and young adults. though occasionally his darker side comes through with things that wouldn't quite be appropriate for anyone under 16 at least.

he's just a generally cheery guy, but that's not to say he never has a bad day. like many people in the creative/artistic spectrum, tuireann wears his emotions either out in his sleeve or very thinly veiled in his works. he doesn't have much of a filter, which has probably gotten him in trouble more than a few times over the years. he has trouble sleeping sometimes, particularly if he's in the middle of editing a video or writing something, so lack of sleep can add fuel to his grump fire occasionally though more often than not he's great fun to be around. provided, of course, that you could handle him singing random songs that don't always make sense, or talking in riddles, or doodling on any piece of paper he can find.

so that's that! so far the only line i have really set for him is that he's friends with [info]prrie. they enjoy sort of sitting on the sidelines and throwing witty banter back and forth about what they see around them, as well as engaging in the occasional duet with her on violin and him on...something else. anything else would be more than welcome! girls he's dated, friends, enemies, people who like his stories and such, and people who find him irritating as hell. not to mention everything in between.
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