Hallowed Times OOC - October 9th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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October 9th, 2012

Intro Two! [Oct. 9th, 2012|11:12 pm]



Hello everyone! This is Michelle (who plays Lesley), not to be confused with Michelle who plays Hermione or Lesley who plays (as I like to call) The Triple Threat! (They all start with T. Was that done on purpose? =D)

Anywho, here he is. I know you have all been anxiously awaiting his arrival, and it has finally arrived. Ron Weasley, the King Who Can Save Anything, master wielder of the Sword of Gryffindor, deluminator extraordinaire, destroyer of horcruxes and all you bad motherSHUTYOMOUTH, expert chess player and world class champion slug burper! Yes, folks. All your prayers have been answered.

But, on a serious note, he's just Ron. You know, sarcastic little git who is never seen without his lightning bolt scar buddy and his curly haired girl. He hates Slytherins. To be expected really. He's back at school, though he really doesn't know why. He has a lot of work interning at the Ministry of Magic Auror Office and helping out poor George with the shop. Ever since Fr... well, we don't mention his name, but let's just say things have been a little crazy.

I think you all know Ron fairly well, and I try to play him as close to cannon as humanly possible. So please, send me all your plot requests. I will accept them with open arms.

You may now proceed to bombard this post with all the nekkid pictures of Prince Harry as you'd like..... That is your ice breaker.
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[Oct. 9th, 2012|11:19 pm]




I am stopping with these two, I swear. I just wanted one in each house, which I now have, soo...

Obviously, this journal is Ginny Weasley. Ginny is headstrong, outgoing, friendly, athletic and she wants to be your friend, so long as you're not a Slytherin or a prat. She's still carrying a bit of a torch for Harry, who she kind of attacked after the final battle. They dated on and off over the summer, but ended up fighting a lot, because they were both being moody bitches and they called it quits. Rather than moping, Ginny is just tossing herself into school and friends and Quidditch.

I am also bringing in Troy Stebbins via [info]badgerly who is technically a halfblood, but might as well be Muggleborn, because his mom is a Muggle and his dad is an out of practice Muggleborn who has lived and worked in the Muggle world since leaving Hogwarts. Troy has a bit of PTSD from the war. He's actually 2 years older than the rest of his 7th yearmates, because he was pulled from Hogwarts right after it came out that Voldemort was really back and didn't make it back to do his 7th year until now. His family spent the last year on the run, and with his dad out of practice, it fell mainly to Troy to fend off the Snatchers. So, yeah. He's trying very hard to get back to his old self and he'd like to apologize in advance if you sneak up on him and he ends up hexing you out of habit. He also dated Sam Fawcett briefly after taking her to the Yule Ball in his 5th year.

Annnnd they both need plot, so GIVE ME ALL THE PLOT, PLEASE. ♥
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