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Camp Half Blood OOC

Camp Halfblood OOC
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[November 26 2010]

Going on hiatus for finals. I'm guessing it'll take from tomorrow to next Saturday (11/27 - 12/4), but it could very well go on for longer. It depends on how my studying goes and all of that, so here's hoping it all goes well!

And when I return, I'm hoping to be more active 'round these parts.

This affects [info]sogoode, [info]venia, and [info]occisor.

[November 22 2010]


Brighter: A Jason DeKay/Morgana Llewellyn fanmix

here @ nowbrokendreams

[November 06 2010]

Jen rambled. )

Okay, I promise I'm done rambling now. LET'S GET THIS GAME GOING AGAIN!

As always feel free to leave us comments/questions in our DROPBOX! You as the players make the game, and we need your help to keep it awesome!

One last thing. )
17 Comment

[October 14 2010]

[ mood | good ]

Over And Out: A powerless!Percy Jackson fanmix for Camp Half-Blood

AMMUNITION @ causticammo


dropping a character. [October 10 2010]
I've already informed the mods/those that had lines with but I just wanted to formally inform you guys that I'm dropping Dorian. He was loads of fun to write but I just decided that it was best that I did.

I'm not gonna leave you guys hanging, though. This is what he'll be up to, canon-wise:
    After speaking to Maria, he began to consider moving back to camp. However, when he tried to get back in touch with her to no avail, he began to question his ability on helping his fellow demigods when he hadn't been able to be there for them for as long as he had. Dorian, believing that he probably could not understand the campers enough to offer good enough help at this point & full of regret for certain decisions he had taken (concentrating too much on work, deciding not to help out his estranged ex-girlfriend when she went batshit), decided to start anew instead. He moved away from NYC to Portland, Maine (once a city boy, always a city boy!)--not too far in case friends wished to visit him, but far enough to start over.

So there you have it. Feel free to mention him in passing if you like.

Sorry, everyone.
14 Comment

change in schedule [October 08 2010]

TL;DR sort of, but do read pls )

Hiatus [October 04 2010]

Yeah, so, midterms are going on and what with me being busy the past few weeks attempting to find a job, they kind of snuck up on me. Anyway, I'm taking a week-long hiatus in order to try and catch up. I'll probably be back by Friday night. Hiatus affects Seb Goode (current account), Calypso ([info]venia), and Eric Cavalieri ([info]occisor).

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