dem's some haggard ass icons

by emam and alexi!

3/27/09 01:20 am - [info]24601 - Jenni Vartiainen

124 Jenni Vartiainen )

3/27/09 01:20 am - [info]24601 - Jenni Vartiainen

There's a criminal amount of double crops in the first half of this post, but, she's so cute!

100 Jenni Vartiainen )

3/25/09 04:41 pm - [info]24601 - Mariska

This set is both for and because of [info]cataclysm. Enter the YouTube caps of a Finnish girl rapper found via searches. And even though I don't speak the language (or maybe that's because I don't speak the language), I'm addicted to this song.

138 Mariska )

3/22/09 07:44 pm - [info]24601 - Freja Kjellberg

135 Freja Kjellberg )

3/22/09 07:40 pm - [info]24601 - Freja Kjellberg

100 Freja Kjellberg )

3/22/09 07:32 pm - [info]24601 - Freja Kjellberg

So, here's this girl that I iconned ages back. Almost a year ago, to be exact. Anyways, I found out the other night that she had a blog, and went, "Hey, cool, more pictures of her!" I thought that I would get probably about 50 pictures there, 100 if I was lucky.

335 icons later, here we are. This girl srsly loves her camera.

100 Freja Kjellberg )

3/20/09 09:56 pm - [info]24601 - Andy McCoy

Hello everybody, my name is Andy McCoy, and I'm going to be your Ambassador of Awesome for today. If you would all kindly take your seats, then maybe we can get the Train to Awesome going and you will be on your way to being as kick ass as yours truly. Or you would be if that were even possible.

147 Andy McCoy )

3/19/09 11:29 pm - [info]24601 - Jimmy Hiltula

I never know what names the members of Sister Sin want to go by. I found the real name of the lead singer the other day, but I can't be bothered to change it. No one cares, right?

Right. Thought not.

128 Jimmy Hiltula )

3/7/09 12:43 am - [info]24601 - Liv Jagrell/Sin

Some of these are crap, but 70% of them were capped from a couple of Sister Sin's videos. High quality YouTube videos just fuel my addictions.

160 Liv Jagrell/Sin )

3/4/09 05:24 am - [info]24601 - Caroline Winberg

It was recently brought to my attention that there are nowhere near enough icons of this girl around. Just doin' my part to remedy that situation, with as few repeats from [info]swansong and [info]twatty's sets as possible.

104 Caroline Winberg + 1 banner )

1/2/09 02:56 am - [info]24601 - Liv Jagrell/Sin

First icon post of the new year! W00t!

This... is the lead singer for a band called Sister Sin from Sweden that I discovered because Victory Records was trying to shill their artists, and these guys weren't bad. I'm not entirely sure what her professional name is. This is the name on her MySpace, and the names on her modeling site and band MySpace are similar enough so... whatever. I don't think Sister Sin is really famous enough to have many people calling me out and correcting me with much force. But, really, feel free to do so if you know for sure.

EDIT!: Turns out her name is Liv Jagrell. I'm also putting her under "Sin", just because that's the name she's under on her modeling site. Works for meee.

80 Liv Sin + 3 banners )

12/12/08 12:19 am - [info]24601 - Max von Sydow

109 Max von Sydow, 1 banner )

10/31/08 11:19 pm - [info]24601 - Alexi Laiho

100 Alexi Laiho )

8/17/08 01:20 am - [info]24601 - May Andersen

103 May Andersen )

8/17/08 01:10 am - [info]24601 - May Andersen

I basically found her because she dated Steve-O like three years ago, even though she seems SO INCREDIBLY OUT OF HIS LEAGUE. Then I decided I might as well icon her since she's Scandinavian. Also, she reminds me of Kirsten Dunst a lot.

100 May Andersen )

7/25/08 05:41 am - [info]24601 - Mathias Ringstrom

Oh my god, I exhausted every damn picture resource I had for this man, and I finally had to pad it out with a few more skating pictures just to hit 50. Mathias had better be around this year's X Games, I stretched these pictures so far they're about to break, and I'd like a few more non-skating, non-doubled up ones to throw in there.

54 Mathias Ringstrom )

7/15/08 12:08 am - [info]24601 - Mia Damby

She seems kind of generically pretty to me, but I already had her iconned, so I might as well post them.

62 Mia Damby )

5/15/08 03:06 am - [info]24601 - Kurt Nilsen

So, remember the days when Idol wasn't a joke (no offense current Idol fans) and they did World Idol? Yeah, and then that Norwegian guy with gap teeth who they said looked like a hobbit won? Well, here's that guy. I have no clue what his music sounds like, but from what I remember (from four years ago, so I hope it actually was good, since I remember liking him), he had a pretty bitchin' voice.

96 Kurt Nilsen and 3 banners )

5/13/08 08:45 pm - [info]24601 - HP Parviainen

HP was impossible to find pictures of. I don't know enough about the Dudesons to know why that is, but I know enough about iconning to know it's damn annoying. Sigh.

51 HP Parviainen, 3 banners )

5/12/08 10:14 pm - [info]24601 - Jessica Folcker

67 Jessica Folcker and 3 banners )
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