dem's some haggard ass icons

July 18th, 2008

03:26 am - [info]24601 - Karen Allen

My internet has been broken for the past few days, and so this is what I did. I iconned Indiana Jones. And I decided, if I wasn't so stuck on using Laura Fraser for my Hestia Jones, she would be Karen Allen in an instant.

100 Karen Allen )

04:21 am - [info]24601 - Karen Allen

50 Karen Allen )

04:38 am - [info]24601 - Loomis Fall

And some more of Loomis, who, in his own words, is the sexiest man in rock.

61 Loomis Fall )

04:53 am - [info]24601 - Dimitry Elyashkevich

Aaand Dimitry Elyashkevich, that sweaty Russian. You know, the one that's actually from Belarus.

50 Dimitry Elyashkevich )
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