dem's some haggard ass icons

March 21st, 2008

03:28 am - [info]24601 - Jyrki 69

I definitely could have made more of him, but I hate dealing with Buzznet when it goes buggy on me, and a while ago I decided I had a grudge against their site but I can't remember why. Also, he stares a lot, and that annoys me. It did kind of make me really want to remake my Jussi 69 icons, because those really suck, but...we'll see.

55 Jyrki 69, plus 1 banner )

04:26 am - [info]24601 - Bam Margera

Oh you had to know more Bam would come at some point. There's actually another set coming up soon, mostly from Landspeed and the CKY Documentary and early Jackass where he's really young, but this is all more recent. But whatever, blah blah yay Bam, because what's [info]haggardassicons without him? (And Dico, who should also be coming up at some point because I love that man like no other.)

For a CRAPTON more Bam icons, go here!

66 Bam Margera )
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