dem's some haggard ass icons

February 19th, 2008

02:27 pm - [info]24601 - Ed Helms

As requested! 151 icons of Ed Helms as Andy Bernard. The caps are from three episodes -- The Merger, The Return, and Diwali. And Diwali was mainly because I wanted to get an icon of him setting up his inflatable bed, and I don't know why.

100 Ed Helms )

02:41 pm - [info]24601 - Ed Helms

51 Ed Helms )

04:23 pm - [info]24601 - Deron Miller

I really hope something good happens with CKY soon. =\ CKY just isn't CKY without Deron, but looking at all this old stuff, you can see that he actually used to be happy! And it's sad to see that's declined as he's gotten all... musician-y, as I put it before. I just want happy Deron back!

I also think it's worth noting how hilarious I find it that, in the caps I made from the CKY documentary, half the time the person being interviewed isn't in focus, but the HIM pictures in back are in perfect focus. It's like a 45-minute long advertisement for HIM. But that can kind of be said for anything Bam does.

105 Deron Miller )
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