dem's some haggard ass icons

January 17th, 2008

05:37 pm - [info]sickcaticons - Anja Rubik

65 Icons of Anja Rubik )

05:43 pm - [info]sickcaticons - Jake Wambold

And just in case you thought we weren't going to icon all of Aiden, here's the other Jake. Ok, now I think we have the entire band, who's going to icon the roadies? Oh and most of these are horrible, totally horrible but the severe lack of photos of this man makes it rather hard. Stop hiding Jake, it's ok to get out from behind the rest of the band sometimes.

43 Icons of Jake Wambold )

09:39 pm - [info]24601 - Johnny Knoxville

I've been meaning to post my latest batch of Johnny for ages, but I guess I forgot I had 200-something on my computer, and just assumed I was going to be lazy foreeever. I'm guessing not. These are all made from caps of the extras on Jackass Number Two and Jackass: the Movie. I guess it's a good thing I just got 2.5 on my iPod, it makes it harder to cap.

More Johnny can be found here, where I conned [info]macguffin into archiving and cloning my old GJ posts onto an IJ account.

100 Johnny Knoxville )

10:24 pm - [info]24601 - Johnny Knoxville

116 Johnny Knoxville )

10:43 pm - [info]24601 - Gene Wilder (as Willy Wonka)

My list of first loves includes the Green/White Power Ranger, Bryan White, and Willy Wonka. This has been one of my favorite movies since I was like four, and there will never be any convincing me that Johnny Depp could ever be Willy Wonka. He could try, but he sure as hell ain't Gene Wilder. I'm going to be making more Gene Wilder from a few other movies, but I had to post Willy Wonka ones separately.

79 Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka )
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