dem's some haggard ass icons

December 22nd, 2007

09:03 pm - [info]24601 - Angel Ibarra

Repost from alexcicio.

IIIII ♥♥♥ Angel like a mofo. I'm just sayin', the man's like one of the cutest things alive. And I untied one of his shoes on stage because I tried to steal his shoelace. Didn't work. He moved away. Sry 'bout that.

107 Angel Ibarra )

09:33 pm - [info]24601 - Nick Wiggins

Repost from alexcicio.

Niiiiicknicknick. For some strange reason (I'm pretty sure I was talking to [info]macguffin, which is really a good excuse for lots of strange remarks, should you ever find yourself in a similar situation), I once said Nick struck me as being the most Muppet-like member of Aiden. Which is reason enough to love him. Though I do wish he'd go back to the red mohawk sometimes, that looked osm.

And one day, either Emma or I will get around to iconning the Jakes of Aiden. But. Um. Patience on that one, Buzznet sucks sometimes.

148 Nick Wiggins )
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