Hadlow Abbey Lines' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Hadlow Abbey Lines

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[10 Dec 2017|03:44pm]
Hello all! This is Alex Hadlow, one of the inheritors of Hadlow Abbey. He's bi, mostly preferring men but would never be opposed to a woman being part of a relationship he was in. He's got a serious male partner in [info]winslowe and hasn't hooked up with a male since they became serious a few years ago, and has only hooked up briefly with women in that time. I do have a line for one or two of those women in mind, that may or may not lead to more depending on if things click.

He and Oliver run a restaurant called Olex, and I can offer him for a connection if you are looking for one.

I'm also interested in a brother - a year or so younger, probably - played by Matt Bomer, if anyone were interested in bringing him in as a pb. This would not be an incest line.

Faces I'd like to see around include any Justice League/DC cinema faces, Alicia Vikander, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Michelle Pfeiffer and Claire Danes.

More details for specific lines )
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[10 Dec 2017|09:02pm]
Hello! This here is Rebecca Hadlow, co-owner of the estate along with Alex. 32, pan/poly. She was a barrister in London before inheriting the estate, and had something of a ruthless reputation in such circles.

She may have a long term female partner coming in (details TBD on that), but otherwise she's open for just about anything and anyone!
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