GWW Twitter's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
GWW Twitter

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[14 Jul 2009|08:20pm]

Something about a Seattle sunset...
11 comments|post comment

[02 Jul 2009|03:40pm]

I want to dance for Mia Michaels.
9 comments|post comment

GWW Twitter [23 Jun 2009|03:05pm]
For [info]greatwhiteway members only.


1) This is not mandatory. Your characters do not have to participate if you do not want them to. Therefore, this does not count as activity. Please continue to stay active in journals, in threads, and on AIM.
2) Each tweet is a new post in this community. Replies are replies to each post. Posts and replies should be 140 characters or under (just like a real twitter). Check here to count characters.
3) Try not to flood this community TOO much.
4) Everything in this community should be friends-locked.

To join, click here. Remember, DO NOT add the community to your friends page reading list.

Gossip post is here.
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