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Aug. 11th, 2007


Title: Lice Sucks Even More Than Peas
Author: cozzybob
Pair: Just Duo
Warning: lice and graphic descriptions of it.
Note: New here. To IJ and this comm. Originally was going to be for the gundam_100 challenge, but I couldn't get it any lower and E really wanted to read it, so... hee! Enjoy! I may do another one related to this drabble, depending on how the muse bites.

Tiny legs scurried across his scalp... )
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Aug. 7th, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs; Trowa/Quatre
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Part 14: The Walkthrough

Part 15: The Game Room


Aug. 5th, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs; Trowa/Quatre
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Part 12: Day Seven - A Little Later

Part 13: The Reveal


Aug. 1st, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs; Trowa/Quatre
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Part 10 - Day 6: Evening

Part 11 - Day 7: Pre-Dawn

Jul. 28th, 2007


{Sharing} Gundam Wing Music

I have some Gundam Wing image songs and other music available for your download pleasure over here:

Please enjoy! :)

Jul. 7th, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs; Trowa/Quatre
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Part 9 - Day 6: Afternoon

Jul. 2nd, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs; Trowa/Quatre
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Part 8 - Day 6 Morning

Jun. 27th, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs; Trowa/Quatre
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Part 7 - Day 5


Jun. 25th, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs; Trowa/Quatre
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Day Four

Jun. 24th, 2007



So I thought I'd see what else Gundam Wing-related was around on IJ after being invited to the [info]gundam_100 community, and here I am.

I've been into Gundam Wing since early '99. My first introduction to it was actually via an animated gif advert on some yaoi site or another, and I thought, "Those guys look so cool! I wish I knew what that was from :3" (It was, of course, Heero & Duo doing something suitably yaoi-ish :P) When I finally found out, again purely by chance, I joined the GW mailing list and made some great friends, one of whom even sent me the entire fan-subbed series on VHS from America when she realised I'd only acquired the first couple in poor quality from an Australian distributor. I prefer the fan-subbed stuff over the official version to this day. I don't even want to think about the dubs :P

Favourite pairings are definitely Heero x Trowa, aka 1x3, but I can handle pretty much anything since, in my time, I've even seen Wufei paired with Nataku (his Gundam) :P And it's always made me sad that I always promised one of my best friends, the former admin of that mailing list, that I'd write some Heero x Trowa one day, when we went by different names. I still haven't written anything, since as an originals author I've never felt confident with fan fiction, but I'm hoping that being here will help inspire me to keep that promise at last.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting to know you all, and read your stuffs! :D

Jun. 18th, 2007


100 word Challenge Asylum

The first prompt has been posted!I welcome all of you to come and try you hand at writing short fiction in just 100 words!

At least come over and check out all the great fiction that might be flying around!


x-posted to [info]gundam_yaoi

Jun. 16th, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs; Trowa/Quatre
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Day Three )

Jun. 14th, 2007


Community Promotion

Have you ever tried to write fan fiction using only 100 words. It's not easy, but it can be done. You have to choose your words carefully to get your point across. It takes brain power, muse inspiration and the sheer will to make the fiction readable.

I am here to introduce a 100-word drabble challenge asylum for the Gundam Wing fandom. Each Monday a challenge prompt will be posted. During that week until the following Sunday, finished drabbles can be posted in the asylum for 10 points to the team of your choice - Gundams, Oz, or White Fang. Of course the points don't really mean anything, they are just there for the mere satisfaction of saying "hah!" to the other teams.

If you are up for a challenge or looking for a quick read, we welcome you to join the asylum! Members are always wanted - muses eat free. ^_^


Jun. 11th, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs; Trowa/Quatre
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Day Two )

Jun. 10th, 2007


A Challenge

Okay you guys, I *know* that we have some fiction writers and artists out there. So, I am giving you a bit of a challenge.

This challenge is designed to get you all posting, so don't be shy!

I would like to see what you could do with these prompts:

1. Downtime
2. Oil and grease
3. Restless in the cockpit
4. Letting it go
5. A rumor runs wild
6. Mission hiccups
7. Going "home"
8. At the circus
9. Flying for the first time
10. Sleepwalking

So, what can you do with those? For fiction: I will expect at least 100 words.

Artists and writers, let your imaginations run wild!!

Jun. 9th, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover - Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Jun. 8th, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition - Part 2

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Jun. 4th, 2007



Yay! We have a good start on getting this community out in the world! There has been one fiction post and we now have 4 members (and I think a couple of watchers).

To all of you, welcome!

Don't be shy, introduce yourselves! Tell us your favorite character, favorite pairing, when you got into the fandom.

My name is Romy and I will be you modly individual. I got into Gundam Wing around 2001. I am pretty flexible when it comes to written pairings and am of the opinion that if you write it well, any pairing can be believeable. I am het, yaoi, and yuri friendly.

I think my favorite characters have to be Wu Fei, Duo, Zechs and Trowa for various reasons. I also have a soft post for Noin, but only because she pwned Lady Une at one time.

I love art of the gundam five in chibi form especially in silly situations. I read all kinds of fiction from crack to deadly serious to angsty, whiney stuff.

And that's me. ^_~ I am here to help if you need me, but mostly I am just hoping that people have a good time sharing lots of fiction and art.

Jun. 3rd, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.


Attn: Gundam Wing Fans

Just wanted to stop in and announce this new Gundam Wing asylum!

We are eagerly awaiting our first fictions and/or wonderful works of art.  

Please follow the guidelines on posting on the asylum info page.  Be respectful, play fair and nice, and have fun!  ^_^

Don't be shy! I look forward to seeing you here!

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