June 25th, 2008

[info]metall_wing in [info]gw_fanworks

A few screencaps.

I just watched GW again last weekend. I do love it a lot, that I do.

One of the results of this re-watch was a huge pile of screencaps, and I thought I'd put a few here, if you feel like agreeing with me. XP

I call these Gundam Wing mini-stories. They are screencaps that are related to each other. In the first folder I have "Bond", "Heero From Earth" and "Tro Is Not Lost".

Bond illustrates the special something that binds Quatre and Trowa together. You can see it as brotherly or even brothers-in-arms-like if you want... I see it as love, pure and simple. Quatre's Space Heart usually just picks up on things from others, it doesn't broadcast anything and yet, Trowa can hear it.

Heero from earth is a scene that would make no sense if it weren't true. Imagine that you're the story writer... The space heart doesn't lie. Heero is from earth and that makes him even more shining. He will go against what is wrong, even if he had to battle his own home. I believe that's what this moment tells.

Tro is not lost shows how confident he is in his love and trust for Catherine. He is going to return home. He's not an insecure and cold boy at all, as fanfics often like to depict him.

In the second folder I have the ending scene for Gundam Wing where Relena shows her sense of humor and Heero appreciates it. I think Relena is great. That character really does a lot of growing in the series.

Under the files are links to a free unzipping program, if you are without one. The files are zipped.



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For Windows: http://my.smithmicro.com/win/stuffitexpander/index.html