June 4th, 2007

[info]yohjideranged in [info]gw_fanworks


Yay! We have a good start on getting this community out in the world! There has been one fiction post and we now have 4 members (and I think a couple of watchers).

To all of you, welcome!

Don't be shy, introduce yourselves! Tell us your favorite character, favorite pairing, when you got into the fandom.

My name is Romy and I will be you modly individual. I got into Gundam Wing around 2001. I am pretty flexible when it comes to written pairings and am of the opinion that if you write it well, any pairing can be believeable. I am het, yaoi, and yuri friendly.

I think my favorite characters have to be Wu Fei, Duo, Zechs and Trowa for various reasons. I also have a soft post for Noin, but only because she pwned Lady Une at one time.

I love art of the gundam five in chibi form especially in silly situations. I read all kinds of fiction from crack to deadly serious to angsty, whiney stuff.

And that's me. ^_~ I am here to help if you need me, but mostly I am just hoping that people have a good time sharing lots of fiction and art.