Greenville OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Greenville OOC

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[02 Nov 2018|03:57pm]

I know this is terribly late and I've been MIA this week after just getting accepted. Family came to visit, and I've been busy with them. So. Let's start over.

This is Willow. She's Rowan's older sister. She's the head of medical records at the hospital, so there from 9-5, M-F. Divorced, no kids. All her info is in her bio, but she's generally easy to get along with.

So, I'd like to make some connections with her. Friends, frenemies, old flings (though it would've been from ten-ish years ago. Anything that would make sense. Thanks for allowing me into your game, and I hope to interact with you all!
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