The Ronon and Rodney Community of Love!

IJ Danielle posting in The Ronon and Rodney Community of Love!
User: [info]dmitchell1985
Date: 2007-11-08 13:01
Subject: FIC: Two Ronon/Rodney Drabbles [G & PG]
Security: Public
Mood:cheerful cheerful
Music:Noisy people

I thought I'd get us started of with some of my Ronon/Rodney drabbles. I still haven't had time to go through and transfer all 50 of my drabbles over here, but I might just re-post the finished table instead.

Anyway, I hope that these give you a chuckle. = D


Title: How to Woo Your Man or Breathe
Author: [info]dmitchell1985
Rating: G
Pairing: Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: So not mine.
Spoilers: None, except the one Rodney’s always going on about.
Word Count: 100
Author’s Notes: I missed these so much, that I thought I’d do more of them until I signed up for another table and Nano stops eating my brain. I gave myself a prompt of: sunflower. Also, this probably borders on Wrong.

I know. You thought these were over and done with. )

Title: Supplying the Demand - His and Mine
Author: [info]dmitchell1985
Rating: Barely PG – for suggestion. At least, it’s “barely” to me.
Pairing: Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex
Warnings: Uhrm. None, really.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Spoilers: None.
Word Count: 100
Author’s Notes: I saw this posted a few days back on sga_noticeboard, which is always a great resource for finding fannish stuff. Well, I thought I’d do a drabble for it. Thanks, pegasus_01! = D

This made even me lol. Heh. )

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IJ Danielle posting in The Ronon and Rodney Community of Love!
User: [info]dmitchell1985
Date: 2007-11-02 13:21
Subject: Mod Post: The HTML Rundown
Security: Public
Mood:cheerful cheerful
Tags:mod post

I know that most of us have the basics of HTML/IJ (LJ) coding downn, but I like to provide the members of my communities who don't know these simple tricks memorized with a little guide to help get thjem started. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments. If I don't know the answer, either Google or another member will have too step in.

That said, welcome to the [info]gunsandpyhsics HTML coding guide!

The guide is under here )

LJ Cut Example )

The guide continued )

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IJ Danielle posting in The Ronon and Rodney Community of Love!
User: [info]dmitchell1985
Date: 2007-10-29 16:54
Subject: Mod Post: Welcome! Welcome!
Security: Public
Mood:optimistic optimistic
Tags:mod post

Welcome to [info]gunsandphysics, a community dedicated to the Ronon Dex/Rodney McKay love. There wasn't one previously set up here on InsaneJournal, so I went ahead and created one.

I have a few things that I will eventually post, but I want to see works from you. I want to see your artwork and read your stories. I want to watch your videos and check out your manips. I want to read your thoughts on the pairing or the indivisual characters via meta.

Most of all, I want to you enjoy yourselves and share the whys and hows of your own personal Ronon/Rodney :: Jason/David support.

Rules and such will be up soon. All mod posts will tagged as such. An HTML and IJ (LJ) coding guide will be up soon as well.

Have fun!


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January 2008