The Dalek/Rose Tyler 'Shipper-verse!'s Journal
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Saturday, March 29th, 2008

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    Dalek Facts
    The Dalek Emperor's reason for doing what it did, was not to create a Dalek army, but to perfect the knowledge it would need to clone hundreds of Rose Tylers.

    There really was a Rose on the Titanic, but no Jack. There was, however, a Dalek. There was no ice berg, only hair-trigger genocidal impulse.

    When Rose watches Discovery Channel specials about World War Two, she affects an oddly fond smile, whenever the subject of Nazis come up.

    The real reason Rose was so glad to have a mobile telephone, was so that she could send secret flirty, intergalactic text messages to Skaro.

    The Doctor was wrong about why Daleks scream.

    Current Mood: amused

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