Monday, December 2nd, 2019

I am... a knight? A champion? I know who I am... Sort of... I know I'm the appointed knight of the Pricness of Hyrule. Zelda..? I have so many questions...
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Tuesday, November 19th, 2019

This is confusing... My dreams are full of strange creatures... My device can do strange things. I can move metal...
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Saturday, September 14th, 2019

Is there anyone who knows things about technology... What is this?

It has a picture of me? )
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Wednesday, September 4th, 2019

Anybody any good at puzzles? Or, I don't know, at like art and metaphors and that kind of thing?

So this, um. Mosaic thing? Showed up in my yard during the meteor shower. Looks like a bit sandbox with like ten thousand colorful tiles. Thing is, I swear I read about something like this once, somewhere. I can't remember where, now. But it was something like a puzzle, or a challenge, I guess, to create a particular pattern. I did the math and there's... oh god, that's a lot of zeroes. There's like a shitload of potential patterns. The only hint I've got is that it has to represent "the beauty of all life," if I'm remembering right. I know that's super vague, but I want to see if I can figure it out. So like, pattern suggestions welcome, I guess.
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Sunday, August 18th, 2019

The views from the waterfall are nice. So are the fish. But the clock tower takes up space... I wonder what it looks like from above it...
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Friday, August 16th, 2019

Man, today was nice. It felt good to have a day off. Pretty sure I slept through most of it, though.

Been thinking of getting an aquarium for my apartment. Anyone got any fish ideas?
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Saturday, July 27th, 2019

The park is fun and all but who's ready for a day at the beach?


Who's with me? Anyone? Do I gotta go by myself?
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