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[02 Dec 2019|12:48am]
Please tell me the bars in this place are real.


I feel like I have the hangover of the century.
14 +

[02 Dec 2019|02:27am]
I can't be the only one who doesn't know what to do.
14 +

[02 Dec 2019|07:17am]
Victor? I...do you...?
3 +

[02 Dec 2019|05:25pm]
I understand my dreams now... I um... I hope I don't scare anyone... It's still me Alphonse. I just... Well I just don't have my body... I'm so tall... and wide... I just want to be human again...
23 +

[02 Dec 2019|05:29pm]
I am... a knight? A champion? I know who I am... Sort of... I know I'm the appointed knight of the Pricness of Hyrule. Zelda..? I have so many questions...
26 +

[02 Dec 2019|08:27pm]
Is anyone that was there, here? I can't find my mom, but dad...well. I don't know what happened to him.

Touya, are you seriously a villi

My head hurts.
6 +

[ viewing | December 2nd, 2019 ]
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