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[05 Sep 2009|01:22pm]
Who: Peter and Darcy
When: Saturday, midday
Where: The Snake House
What: Random run-in
Rating: PG?
Status: Incomplete

What if old Ben Franklin, would of been frightened by lightening? If he would of stayed inside then we'd still be in the dark )
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[05 Sep 2009|02:05pm]
Who: Gibson and Maddie
When: Saturday before dinner
Where: By the dolphin tanks
What: Random run-in
Rating: PG-13, for one reason or another
Status: Incomplete

I'm not that graceful like you, nor am I as eloquent. But just a simple melody can change the way that you see me )
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[05 Sep 2009|11:41pm]
To: matthew.travers@californiazoo.com
CC: tom.hamilton@californiazoo.com
From: jack.gallagher@californiazoo.com
Subject: Meeting
Date: 5th September 09 6.43PM

Body of email )
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[ viewing | September 5th, 2009 ]
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