Gryffindor House - January 18th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Gryffindor House

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January 18th, 2008

[Jan. 18th, 2008|05:10 pm]
[OOC: Posting on behalf of [info]james_or since IJ is being evil to her. :)]

The door slammed open at seven that evening, and the self-proclaimed king of the Marauders entered his humble dorm, taking in the familiar scent of Moony's chocolate and his own collection of spoiled candy--extra handy for tricking Slytherins.

His vacation had been rather dull, in his opinion, what with his mother losing the pie contest in Bermuda, and his trip to New York ending early. He had already spoken to Sirius and Peter over the Legens, and heard about their breaks.

James wasn't thinking about that right now, however.

What was he thinking about, then? Why the upcoming full moon/adventure, of course. He had finally perfected his Animagus transformation, and couldn't wait for his next chance to use it. Those antlers had been murder...

Closing the door behind him, he threw his bag on his bed and sat beside it.

"I'm home, kids!" He cried, not even looking to see if any of his friends were present.
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