OOC for 'Warts' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC for 'Warts

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[16 May 2011|03:11am]
Hey Friends!

I'm Ree and I'll be bringing Everett Nichols into the game. He's a 7th year Slytherin with a 6th year brother in Gryffindor. Most people probably call him Ever or Ev, he's flighty and carefree but also has that smoldery sex appeal. A genuine charmer, he can converse with most everyone...if not bed them (haha). He loves being nude, partially nude, loves laughing and making others sometimes squirm because his blatant sexual nature. That being said, he does keep a very private life - those that he holds close to him are chosen because he feels like they are truth worthy and loyal. Once you're Ever's friend, you have him for life.

He wants to be an Auror, is gifted in DADA, and loves a good party. I would love to chat about lines and histories with other characters - I'm so down for anything! Feel free to ping me @ everettwrites on AIM or comment on this journal's contact post!! :)
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