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[Sep. 10th, 2022|11:40 pm]


Tower Aspera is an original supernatural game centering around the abduction of a seemingly random group of people, and the experiments they are subjected to. Every character has been harboring a secret their entire life: they're not entirely human. Every day the characters will be tested. They will have no choice but to live and work with one another in the strange town they have been placed in. Play by the rules and be rewarded. Refuse, and be punished. They have no contact with their captors, but one thing is apparent: escape is impossible. Perhaps there will be comfort to be found in this new camaraderie with the other captives. Our advice? Take it whenever, and wherever, you can.
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Salem City Game - Adults Only - 20+ [May. 10th, 2018|02:01 am]

no secret remains silenced forever...
  • We give all characters FREE WILL!
    No micro-managing: all actions have consequences and characters will have to face those they have created.

  • We try to imitate RL in game, meaning that some characters DO have more power than others.

    Emphasis put on threads and logs over 'text' and 'e-mail'

  • We offer Bi-Monthly Challenges!

  • We offer both "Classic" characters and "Original" characters!
    Ever wanted to play Crowley, Frankenstien, or Hellboy in a realistic, non-panfandom setting? Here you can!

  • We have a LOT of playable species for you to choose from.
    Humans - Hunters - Vampires - Werewolves - Lycans - Pixies & Fairies - Merfolk - Demons - Angels - Foreign Gods - and much more!

  • We are: Het - Slash - Femme FRIENDLY!
    When God created humanity, men and women both began to destroy the resources Nature had to offer to them. In order to balance the scale, Mother Nature created Supernatural Creatures to predate on those humans. For all that they ruined, her creatures created their own fair share of havoc.

    But now the world is at risk.

    Almost all of the Supernatural community are trapped in Salem by the same bubble that protected them from the nuclear attack humanity sent to destroy them. The balance has been disrupted and now it is up to those stuck in Salem -- humans, hunters, and creatures alike -- must work together to break free and return the world to its natural order.

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    [Apr. 29th, 2018|07:37 pm]

    No secret, remains silenced forever.

    Is that the East Coast of the US was nuked because all Supernatural beings were drawn to that area- mostly to Salem, but considering the amount of Supernatural Creatures in the World, they took the entire East Coast and as all Governments started to notice this. They decided to get rid of them and nuke the East coast no matter what the casualties were.

    Still, due to the massive murders in Salem due to Witchcraft, which were by far more than what the public knows. A bubble in time and space managed to save a lot of Supernatural creatures, some of which are considered endangered and others that are caught in the middle of the battle between the rest of the World and these Creatures who aren’t either bad, nor good. Without the ability to leave.

    ALL governments found out there were survivors out there in Massachusets. Especially in Salem, so a special force was created to murder with special weapons whichever creature, or human that tries to leave the city at cold blood. Not even newborn babies are allowed out, because the Governments fear they might end up been of corrupted blood and they want a Human World.

    Still, there is a big problem. When God created Humanity, Men and Women started to destroy the resources Nature had to offer to them. So to balance the scale. Mother Nature, created these Supernatural Creatures to predate on Humans and keep the balance in check.

    Now the World is at Risk.

    With Supernatural Creatures trapped in Salem and no way to get out, Humans have no predators to keep them at bay and they are exhausting the natural recourses. They are killing the planet they live in.

    The Supernatural Creatures can’t get out and after so many years of survival, they had rebuilt Salem, so they live in a normal town with Wi-Fi and everything they need to try making it out.

    The main problem is as to how do you get all these Supernatural Beings who have issues against each other that had lasted for millennia? To work together against the Militia that is keeping them inside?

    Well, that is why the Council was formed for. To try to make all the creatures in Salem, along with humans and hunters cooperate to see if they can finally put their grudges behind and work their way out so the World regains their balance back.

    ⋄ Supernatural Creatures ⋄

    CHECK US OUT! Though once in, we don't warranty your way out...

    [Apr. 5th, 2018|10:46 pm]


    his Asylum is dedicated to all writers over the age of 30/ 35 years old (or older) who can't find someone to write with in the usual communities which seem to have been taken over by twenty something's or even younger people.

    Please. Don't take offence in this. It's just that sometimes, some of us prefer to write with people closer to our ages and more experience in life.

    There is also the matter of:

    * Communication. Which I found sometimes it's not the same between younger people and older than 30.

    * Fandoms. Some of which younger people have barely even heard of and we still would love to write.

    * Actors & Actresses. Sure we watch TV. Movies and we read. We keep adding PBs and characters to our lists all the time!

    But truth is. Sometimes we go to the usual communities and we have NO idea who the person in the icon is! (This doesn't makes us old. We just don't move in the places that perhaps you do. Like perhaps you guys want to play people from reality shows. You tubers. Fighters from the Mixed Martial Arts. Wrestlers. etc. And some of us are just not interested in that)

    This is a place in where people who wants to PSL or find partners for GPSLs around their age. They can.

    Needless to say. If you are under 30 years old you won't be accepted in the community. I'm sorry. I'm doing this with the hope to make a place in where my decade can find partners who will hopefully communicate and commit like we used to years ago.

    * To join the community please fill in the short application and wait to be accepted.


    [Dec. 26th, 2017|10:40 am]


    his Asylum is dedicated to all writers over the age of 30/ 35 years old who can't find someone to write with in the usual communities which seem to have been taken over by twenty something's or even younger people.

    Please. Don't take offence in this. It's just that sometimes, some of us prefer to write with people closer to our ages and more experience in life.

    There is also the matter of:

    * Communication. Which I found sometimes it's not the same between younger people and older than 30.

    * Fandoms. Some of which younger people have barely even heard of and we still would love to write.

    * Actors & Actresses. Sure we watch TV. Movies and we read. We keep adding PBs and characters to our lists all the time!

    But truth is. Sometimes we go to the usual communities and we have NO idea who the person in the icon is! (This doesn't makes us old. We just don't move in the places that perhaps you do. Like perhaps you guys want to play people from reality shows. You tubers. Fighters from the Mixed Martial Arts. Wrestlers. etc. And some of us are just not interested in that)

    This is a place in where people who wants to PSL or find partners for GPSLs around their age. They can.

    Needless to say. If you are under 30 years old you won't be accepted in the community. I'm sorry. I'm doing this with the hope to make a place in where my decade can find partners who will hopefully communicate and commit like we used to years ago.

    * To join the community please fill in the short application and wait to be accepted.


    [Nov. 1st, 2017|06:55 pm]


    his Asylum is dedicated to all writers over the age of 30/ 35 years old who can't find someone to write with in the usual communities which seem to have been taken over by twenty something's or even younger people.

    Please. Don't take offence in this. It's just that sometimes, some of us prefer to write with people closer to our ages and more experience in life.

    There is also the matter of:

    * Communication. Which I found sometimes it's not the same between younger people and older than 30.

    * Fandoms. Some of which younger people have barely even heard of and we still would love to write.

    * Actors & Actresses. Sure we watch TV. Movies and we read. We keep adding PBs and characters to our lists all the time!

    But truth is. Sometimes we go to the usual communities and we have NO idea who the person in the icon is! (This doesn't makes us old. We just don't move in the places that perhaps you do. Like perhaps you guys want to play people from reality shows. You tubers. Fighters from the Mixed Martial Arts. Wrestlers. etc. And some of us are just not interested in that)

    This is a place in where people who wants to PSL or find partners for GPSLs around their age. They can.

    Needless to say. If you are under 30 years old you won't be accepted in the community. I'm sorry. I'm doing this with the hope to make a place in where my decade can find partners who will hopefully communicate and commit like we used to years ago.

    * To join the community please fill in the short application and wait to be accepted.


    [Oct. 11th, 2017|07:18 am]


    his Asylum is dedicated to all writers over the age of 30/ 35 years old who can't find someone to write with in the usual communities which seem to have been taken over by twenty something's or even younger people.

    Please. Don't take offence in this. It's just that sometimes, some of us prefer to write with people closer to our ages and more experience in life.

    There is also the matter of:

    * Communication. Which I found sometimes it's not the same between younger people and older than 30.

    * Fandoms. Some of which younger people have barely even heard of and we still would love to write.

    * Actors & Actresses. Sure we watch TV. Movies and we read. We keep adding PBs and characters to our lists all the time!

    But truth is. Sometimes we go to the usual communities and we have NO idea who the person in the icon is! (This doesn't makes us old. We just don't move in the places that perhaps you do. Like perhaps you guys want to play people from reality shows. You tubers. Fighters from the Mixed Martial Arts. Wrestlers. etc. And some of us are just not interested in that)

    This is a place in where people who wants to PSL or find partners for GPSLs around their age. They can.

    Needless to say. If you are under 30 years old you won't be accepted in the community. I'm sorry. I'm doing this with the hope to make a place in where my decade can find partners who will hopefully communicate and commit like we used to years ago.

    * To join the community please fill in the short application and wait to be accepted.


    [Apr. 1st, 2017|02:42 am]
    In the beginning, there was only the Creator. And She created the world; its lands and seas, peoples and beasts. She created the Keeper, to rule over the dead. She gave the world to her people, whom She loved dearly, to do with what they would. The people multiplied, forming their cultures and societies, and were faithful to the Creator. And when there were many, the Creator made the Watchers: lesser deities to watch her people and report. You see, there are simply too many people for the Creator to keep track of, too many prayers to answer. The Watchers watch, and tell Her what her creations need.

    But they speak in His ear, too.

    She gave the Watchers free will, and perhaps that was Her greatest mistake. Not every Watcher is good. Not every prayer is answered by the Creator. The Keeper speaks to the Watchers, too, and He does not want for good in the realm of the living. He wants only to rule all, with the death of all things.

    You, the player, are a Watcher, and the choice is up to you. Will you do good or evil? Which prayers will you answer? Which side are you on?

    Watchers, Please is an original high-fantasy game in a medieval setting where the players themselves are the gods. You are a Watcher. Characters pray, and players submit requests. Every week, players will vote on which prayers and requests will be answered – and by whom, and how. How do you want to rule? Only one thing is certain: characters should be careful with what they wish for.
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    [Nov. 22nd, 2015|01:03 pm]
    Considering re-opening this adult pb gpsl. Would there be interest? Also seeking a co-mod.
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    [Aug. 9th, 2015|01:39 pm]

    [info]ripleymod Supernatural femme and futa gpsl is re-opening. Old and new players welcome.
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    [May. 23rd, 2015|03:52 am]

    The town of Ripley, Massachusetts is an unusual place. There are no men.
    Only Women and Witches.
    Ripley, Massachusetts • A Supernatural Femme/Futa RP
    code by wearestardust @ supersuits
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    [May. 10th, 2015|08:44 am]
    You’ve heard of mob families, street gangs, but you’ve never heard of anything like this.
    Premise | Taken/Held | Wanted | Special Groups | Businesses | Rules | Application | Mod

    are you looking for an alternative, a new home for your character or for your already established line? chi-townrp is an active, open-minded, kink and slash/femme friendly game with a realistic but fun approach and where you can write your character exactly as you envision them, be it a gangster, a med student or an opera singer. we've been around for over a month now and are going strong. we have four different crime families and other groups to choose from and many businesses for your character to own or to work at, you are even welcome to add your own! we offer a laid back and diverse community for all kinds of writers, characters and plots. please check out our wanted page!

    no examples are needed to apply! we're both threading and aim friendly.
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    [Apr. 13th, 2015|11:39 am]

    [info]ripleymod Femme and futa gpsl with a supernatural element. Check out the premise/discussion post in the journal for more.
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    [Apr. 9th, 2015|07:14 pm]
    Looking to set up a new adult celeb community/gpsl. Would like feedback and discussion, but would prefer to keep it in the journal so I can refer back. There is a screened post, an unscreened post, and anon commenting is turned on.
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    [Apr. 8th, 2015|01:52 pm]
    Looking to set up a new adult celeb community/gpsl. Would like feedback and discussion, but would prefer to keep it in the journal so I can refer back. There is a screened post, an unscreened post, and anon commenting is turned on.
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    [Mar. 8th, 2015|10:39 am]
    Check the journal, looking for pb slash and femme. If none of the starters appeal, we can brainstorm something else!
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    [Feb. 24th, 2015|11:41 am]
    Adult PB GPSL set in a club in NYC. Currently open for holds
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    [Feb. 5th, 2015|01:43 am]

    Searching for a male pb to join a line with this Karl Urban pb and a Helen Mirren pb. It would be a poly line, and all of the details of the poly line are completely up for discussion.
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    [Jan. 18th, 2015|02:25 pm]
    chelseahoteln2 Discussion post for older faces gpsl.
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    [Jan. 17th, 2015|06:07 pm]
    Would there be interest in a gpsl for older faces? 30 in RL being the lower limit for faces, and older encouraged. Celeb or pb, leaning more to pb but it depends on the interest.
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