쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang ([info]sdk) wrote in [info]greykitty_fic on May 30th, 2012 at 03:39 pm
HP: Come and Get It (Bill/Tonks, PG, Ficlet)
Title: Come and Get It
Author: [info]sdk
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing/Characters: Bill Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks
Rating: PG
Length/Word Count: Ficlet, ~300 words
Warnings/Content: None
Notes: Written for [info]ragdoll for the prompt "Bill/Tonks, cake". One of my 7th anniversary drabbles. Thanks to [info]torino10154 for looking this over!
Disclaimer: The following is based on fictional characters I don't own doing fictional things in a fictional world I did not create. No copyright infringement intended.

Come and Get It

"Mum's gonna kill me if I fill up before we even get to dinner," Bill said, even as he munched on another of Tonks' mini cakes, his second in less than two minutes.

"You're a Weasley," Tonks said, her lips quirking as she watched Bill's face contort into what she knew very well as his orgasm expression. His come-face, as she liked to call it. She was beginning to wonder if she should be jealous of her mini cakes. "You lot never fill up."

“True,” Bill said. He reached for a third, but Tonks snatched it from his hands and took a bite. Chocolate exploded in her mouth, a veritable fantasy of sweet mixed with just a hint of spice. She let out a a quiet “Mmmm” after swallowing. Bill narrowed his eyes.

“That was mine.”

Tonks licked the crumbs off her lips and held up the remainder of the small cake, shaking her wrist as if to dangle it in front of his face.

“Come and get it then,” she teased. She stuffed the rest of the cake into her mouth right as Bill grabbed her hand and tugged her closer. His tongue followed the chocolate, chasing it's taste within her mouth and Tonks let out a groan of satisfaction for an all too different reason.

“We're going to be late for dinner,” Tonks murmured as Bill withdrew, though his body stayed pressed against hers, all hard muscle and heat. His mouth was smeared with chocolate. Tonks wanted to lick it off.

“Mum will understand,” Bill said lowly. He dipped closer, his mouth brushing hers; Tonks tasted the chocolate on his lips. “She knows the power of a good cake.”


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