G ([info]giorgiakerr) wrote in [info]greykitty_fic on April 10th, 2010 at 04:46 am
Oh my God! I'm just going to put aside the actual *story* for a minute to say: HOW DO YOU DO THIS? HOW CAN YOU WRITE SO MUCH AWESOME IN SO FEW WORDS?!

*jealous* I'd need like two thousand words to write half his much, and then it'd lose everything it has! (Haha, if you hadn't noticed by now, I talk. A lot. My FF is about as verbose.)

But the story. Gah! So mush awesome! That whole first paragraph, just... OH MY GOD! *I* want to pin Deniz to the locker room wall - imagining hor Roman feels when he used to HAVE that... Ouch, man!

And Roman's so-obvious denial is so well written. The fact that he's sitting there looking, basically, for Deniz... And that his arguments sound so well-rehearsed. Like he's used them effectively a thousand times before, but after seeing Deniz in the locker room, all his feelings bubbled up again and now his excuses don't work, anymore.

*covets your brain*
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