쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang
12 May 2009 @ 12:20 am
AWZ: Lügen (Roman, PG-13)  
Title: Lügen
Author: [info]sdk
Fandom: Alles Was Zählt
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Roman (Implied Roman/Deniz, Roman/Randy)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angsty
Length/Word Count: Ficlet, 185 words
Notes: No summary because it isn't long enough for one. ;) Takes place between Roman's conversation with half naked-Deniz in ep 672 and his heated exchange with "Randy" in ep 673. Thanks to Aldi and Lil for convincing me that this doesn't suck.
Disclaimer: The following is based on fictional characters that I don't own doing fictional things in a fictional world that I didn't create. No copyright infringement intended, no money's being made.

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Lügen )

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