Grey Haven OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Grey Haven OOC


The Road goes ever on and on

Out from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the Road has gone,

Let others follow it who can!

Let them a journey new begin,

But I at last with weary feet

Will turn towards the lighted inn,

My evening-rest and sleep to meet.

-- J.R.R. Tolkien

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[08 May 2012|12:23pm]
Gah I have been HORRIBLE at being active in this RP, for which I apologize for!! I had this big group project that was 50% of my grade and man I had the worst partners ever for it, so jfdlkaadfa that was hours of my life I will never get back. However! I'm done with that!! So basically, what I'm asking is: would anyone like to have their characters harassed by Ying? I am up for anything, if only because I felt like I haven't had any fun for ages.

Have you gotten your cultist love today? [08 May 2012|02:22pm]
Comment here. A mod or myself would LOVE to start a scene with you. Also, AIM is fantastic. So yes, I want to make sure everyone who wants the plots can get some. ♥

[ viewing | May 8th, 2012 ]
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