Grey Haven RPG's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Grey Haven RPG


Roads go ever ever on,

Over rock and under tree,

By caves where never sun has shone,

By streams that never find the sea;

Over snow by winter sown,

And through the merry flowers of June,

Over grass and over stone,

And under mountains in the moon.

-- J.R.R. Tolkien

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[01 Jun 2012|06:54pm]

Who: Nancy and Wilbur.
When: Evening.
What: SURPRISE DATE with cloth napkins.
Where: Wilbur's apartment.
Rating: TV MA level of racy, but without Vampire Bill. Also awkward.
Status: Complete!

There had been so many excuses. )

[01 Jun 2012|12:08pm]

Who: Silas (NPC), George, Oliver, and Agatha [posting order].
When: Lunchtime.
What: Guild Hunter meeting
Where: Grey Haven Media, Conference Room B.
Rating: A for ANGRYDOME.
Status: Complete.

The conference room was far from fancy. )

[30 May 2012|09:54pm]

Who: Nancy and George (with the possibility of Tom).
When: Evening.
What: Nancy is trying to be a good employee when George checks out the other half of the avatar population.
Where: Reed's Beer Barn.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In Progress.

Read more... )

[31 May 2012|11:30am]

Who: Rahul and Mneme.
When: Evening.
What: Rahul is being fancy when he spots a fancy lady and decides to say hello (FANCILY).
Where: Grey Haven Mountain Resort.
Rating: PG-13, a bit racy but nothing raunchy. ALL CLASS.
Status: Complete.

People who did not know about his embarrassingly out-of-order personal life. )

[29 May 2012|11:18pm]

Who: Mneme and the Harris pack family of NPCs.
When: About a day or two after Eddie's encounter with Agatha.
What: Mitch has called out of work for a few days. Mneme gets bored without her boss and jogging partner and brings over baked goods.
Where: The Harris home.
Rating: Low.
Status: Complete!

Read more... )

[30 May 2012|12:21am]

Who: Cecil, Sadie
Where: Drake's Diner and then the apartment building where Sadie and Nancy live. Dun dun duuuun.
When: Tuesday.
What: Cecil meets a young lady in the diner. Then he goes apartment hunting and runs across her again. It's not good all around.
Rating/Status: In progress.

It had been three hundred years since Cecil had eaten a proper human meal, and he found the whole experience a little weird. )

[29 May 2012|11:26pm]

Who: George, Oliver (cameo), and OPEN
Where: Lakeside Inn, then the Lucky Bean.
When: After dinner with Agatha, Monday evening.
What: George is scoping out the town.
Rating: No idea yet. In progress!

This town’s a trip, isn’t it? Bunch of supernaturals holed up and playing house for so long that they forget how to defend themselves, so they have to call *us* in. )

[30 May 2012|10:17am]

Who: Agatha and Eddie (NPC). Also starring Mitch (NPC).
When: Late afternoon.
What: Agatha decides to investigate Mitch’s son.
Where: Just outside the Haze, near the campgrounds.
Rating: PG.
Status: Complete.

Eddie wasn’t supposed to be outside the Haze )

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