Grey Haven RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Grey Haven RPG


This is where you can put some kind of blurb or a bit of info or lyrics or something about yourself or whatever else you like. This is where you can put some kind of blurb or a bit of info or lyrics or something about yourself or whatever else you like. This is where you can put some kind of blurb or a bit of info or lyrics or something about yourself.

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[23 Apr 2012|01:00am]
Who: Wilbur and Sadie
What: Sadie's night out ends up in a bar
Where: BAR
When: Sunday night
Rating: PG-13 (for language maybe?)
Status: Complete

She'd wait ten minutes. )

[23 Apr 2012|11:40am]
Who: Wilbur and Tom
When: Early morning.
What: Wilbur’s come by to pick up the booze shipment for BAR.
Where: Reed’s Beer Barn.
Rating: PG-13 for rough language.
Status: Complete.

Grunt work. )

[23 Apr 2012|08:30pm]
Who: Jesse and Drake
When: Around 4:30ish pm
What: Dinner and finding out about a job
Where: The diner
Rating: low
Status: complete.

Read more... )

[23 Apr 2012|08:44pm]
Who: Tom and Sadie.
Where: Reed's Beer Barn.
When: Monday afternoon.
What: Sadie comes in to buy a gift. Problem: she's "17." Discussions ensue.
Rating: PGish at worst, probably. C'mon.
Status: In progress.

Tom was crouched down, eye level with the counter, as he reached cautiously up to stack the next card. )

[ viewing | April 23rd, 2012 ]
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