Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

REPOST: Bradley James; Dis/connected

Ok so I know what you're thinking. Do we really need another set of Bradley already? The answer to that is a resounding yes and I don't even care because these have been sitting on my laptop for a month waiting to be posted due to issues I was having with photobucket. So glad that's over. There's one more set of him coming up as a request I promised to do but after that I'm probably taking a break from him for a while so savor this moment.

So, Bradley made me laugh my ass off in this show. There was only one episode ever made and I fully intend to icon most of the people in it though the only one you'll see coming up immediately is Holly Grainger because I have a few things in the works. There's a number (probably way too many but I so don't even care) of icons in this set from a ridiculous sex scene in a women's public restroom but they're not of the graphic nature that there was in my Billie Piper set so, I'm not going to friends lock this one. Enjoy Bradley's facial expressions there.

116 Icons )
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