Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

REPOST: Emily Perkins; Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning

I know, I know. Everyone loves Emily Perkins. I still like Katherine Isabelle better, but Emily was gorgeous in this movie. I want to steal her hair - it's probably a wig but I don't care. It's very pretty. I still think she's too skinny and looks like a witch (which could be useful I suppose) but hey, like I said, everyone loves her.

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REPOST: Nathaniel Arcund; Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning

Okay, seriously, why are there not more icons out there of male Native American actors who are not Taylor Lautner? I mean yeah, sure Taylor Lautner's a cutie, but really it's not like he's the only Native actor in existence. I dedicate this set to my buddy Amber since she loves this guy and because she was the one who turned me on to the amazingness not only of this movie but of this actor.

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REPOST: Katherine Isabelle; Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning

Of all of the Ginger Snaps movies I think I loved this one the best. I don't know if it was the story or if it was the cinematography but I love this movie and Katherine Isabelle rocks with her crazy spooky eyes and she totally has the looking gorgeous while being freaking scary with blood smeared all over her face thing down pat. Her and Lina Leandersson. I may end up editing these later because they have that obnoxious blue cast that I hated about Twilight, but for now they stay because I'm still pretty happy with them.

Anyway Katherine Isabelle, freaking awesome. You could use these icons for anything really, vampire, werewolf, demon, hell she looks very witchy through the whole thing. Go nuts!

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