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REPOST: Katie Mcgrath; Various Sources [ December 08, 2010 · 9:10pm]

Ok I was doing icons of Katie from the new episode, realized there were only a small number of shots she's actually in, and decided to just add in the few icons from Freakdog I'd already made and then do a few events just to fill things out. I know there are a few people, myself included, who have needed icons of her in contemporary clothing so here we go. There's a few in here where she's pictured with Tony Head, Colin Morgan, and Jonathan Rhys Meyers.

123 Icons )

REPOST: Bradley James; Merlin (The Curse of Cornelius Sigan) [ December 08, 2010 · 9:10pm]

Bradley is my perfect Arthur. I know the Arthurian fanatics (of which I am one) are not overly thrilled with the rampant abuse of the classic storyline wtf how do you kill off Bedivere in the first season, he's like the only one who survives the whole thing, but whatever the case may be I like the portrayal of little Wart. He's a pain in the ass, kind of arrogant, but so good at heart it's almost painful. Not to mention he's hot.

74 Icons )

REPOST: Mackenzie Crook; Merlin [ December 08, 2010 · 9:08pm]

I was not such a big fan of Mackenzie in Pirates. I heard he was in the running for the eleventh doctor, looked him up (as I wasn't familiar with the name) and pretty much sneered. And then here he shows up in Merlin and managed to endear himself to me enough that I iconed him before Bradley. I'm a little proud of myself for that. Though I have to say at the end of this episode he looks like Edgar Allan Poe, even more so thanks to the raven references everywhere. All I could think was 'nevermore'.

78 Icons )

REPOST: Eva Green; Various Sources [ December 08, 2010 · 9:08pm]

I don't know why it takes me so long to discover these people that everyone else knows about. Excuse me while I officially change my pb for Morgan Le Fay from Mia Kirshner to Eva. So here are a few banners since I'm way too lazy to make icons right now.

5 Banners )

REPOST: Michelle Ryan; Cashback [ December 08, 2010 · 9:07pm]

I know this is a weird thing to make caps of since 90% of her role in this movie was screaming at Sean Biggerstaff and chucking things at his head, but she amused me in this movie, and when she wasn't making horrible faces, she was really pretty.

48 Icons )

REPOST: Lina Leandersson; Let the Right One In [ December 08, 2010 · 9:06pm]

And while we're on the topic of vampires, how about Eli? I was a little disturbed by this movie, but I loved it nonetheless. I have no love for Oskar, but my muse for Edward Cullen wants to adopt this little girl and keep her forever and take care of her and share her pain, because really? She's Edward if he were twelve and a girl.

115 Icons )

REPOST: Ashley Greene; Twilight [ December 08, 2010 · 9:05pm]

Is it wrong that I think she looks better with the wig than without? Too bad the Cullens are hardly in the next movie. Still, Alice gets plenty of air-time so there's a plus.

60 Icons )

REPOST: Emily Perkins; Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning [ December 08, 2010 · 9:04pm]

I know, I know. Everyone loves Emily Perkins. I still like Katherine Isabelle better, but Emily was gorgeous in this movie. I want to steal her hair - it's probably a wig but I don't care. It's very pretty. I still think she's too skinny and looks like a witch (which could be useful I suppose) but hey, like I said, everyone loves her.

81 Icons )

REPOST: Nathaniel Arcund; Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning [ December 08, 2010 · 9:04pm]

Okay, seriously, why are there not more icons out there of male Native American actors who are not Taylor Lautner? I mean yeah, sure Taylor Lautner's a cutie, but really it's not like he's the only Native actor in existence. I dedicate this set to my buddy Amber since she loves this guy and because she was the one who turned me on to the amazingness not only of this movie but of this actor.

62 Icons )

REPOST: Christina Ricci; Various Sources [ December 08, 2010 · 8:58pm]

I made these on request for a friend, the goal was to get her looking as close to goth as I could which wasn't really hard but I wasn't using pictures of Wednesday Adams either. So I had to manip a few of these to make her a little paler or change the color of her clothes, etc., but nothing too severe. A few of these are from The Man Who Cried.

31 Icons )

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