May 31st, 2008

[info]chimerawinds in [info]green_earth

My little office plant

Took all the dead/yellow/burned leaves on the plant off last night and gave it another good watering. Hmmmmm, I'm wondering if the plant needs to be moved indoors. And where I can put it inside so kitties don't eat it.

It seems to need water an aweful lot and the leaves are burning easily. It's not getting direct sun but I'm wondering if the Georgia summer temps are too much for the poor thing. I think I'll move it indoors and see how it does since it *was* an office plant and therefore used to being indoors. ;)

In other news, my sister, [info]ferrellcat has had some birds move into her outdoor light fixture that the bulb is blown out in. She want to change the bulb to find a nest there and several eggs. Momma bird keeps laying eggs and some of them have hatched! One of the wee ones however in the hatching process must have rolled it's egg out of the nest and down into the fixture where momma bird couldn't get it. My sister's dog, Rosie, sensed this when my sis was letting her out for her personal business and being a scent hound (Rosie's a large beagle) she went nuts. So [info]ferrellcat looked and saw the tiny, scrawny, pink bird with its eyes still closed and barely any down, still covered in the goo from the egg. She gently placed the wee bird back into the nest and so far Momma is taking good are of it. The thing is Momma Bird is still laying eggs even though eggs are hatching. Interesting!