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Oh! Gravity : Out of Character Community

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[November 22nd, 2010 @ 1:27pm]

OI. Everyone welcome Dana with Susan Bones ([info]bakingbones)! HOORAY! :D And sorry I haven't been around much, work is KEELING me. I do however have a bit of a plot twist for ya'll for Turkey Day. Muahahah. Keep it up! You guys are great! ♥ ♥



[November 16th, 2010 @ 11:18pm]

Hey guys! I'm Lorena, 21, archeology major graduating in May (finally!) and I've looked at too many bones today to stare at anything else for longer than a minute so I apologize for the epic fail this intro post is made of. I'M BRAINDEAD. But also super excited for this game.

Anywho! I've got Asteria Greengrass! She works at an art gallery and she likes it for the most part, except when her boss is being a cranky old bastard. She's pretty normal and not a muggle-hating type of Slytherin. Asteria makes sure to be polite to everyone though it can seem a little stiff and snobby to some. Really, she means no harm and can be quite friendly once you show her that you're not going to chop her head off (or that you're not annoying). She never talks about the war and if you bring it up she'll probably change the subject at the speed of light. She's the type to compartmentalize her (major) problems and then ignore them until she absolutely can't anymore. It gets a little ridiculous sometimes. But again, harmless!

I'm definitely up for interaction with anyone. It might be rather random but random is fun, right? Yes? Maybe? :D

PS: My aim is versosdelcapt if you need to reach me/poke me. I don't mind. :)


[November 16th, 2010 @ 3:41pm]

HAY KIDS. I'm Annie and I am bringing you Mr. Draco Malfoy. UM I am 20 and I've switched my major from English to History/Education! GO ME.

SO. Here goes. Draco has been through A LOT and has always had a very OH I'M FINE attitude but seriously? He considered going to therapy for all his issues but was like, NO I'm Draco-freaking-Malfoy, I'll deal. So he's dealing with it. He works at the Ministry in the Department of Magical Transportation, doing paperwork, living on his own AWAY from the Malfoy Manor and away from his pops. He does not speak to Lucius anymore, but still loves his mum dearly. UH...Draco is quiet/shy now, he still has the blood purity thing drilled in his head but he has the decency to keep it to himself and whatnot.

yeah....IDK. My brain is dead right now so that'll have to do. If you want to see all his info, here it is!

Can't wait to start!!

<33 Annie


Button and Start Date [November 16th, 2010 @ 12:10pm]


Hey guys! This is Beth, your modly mod :D We're up to four boys, four girls, and we've got ourselves a trio, Ginny, Nev, Draco, and Greengrass sisters! HOORAH. This is awesome. I think we're ready to start! And how fitting, its Monday hah. Anyway, feel free to post intros to the OOC and get going on some threads/entries! Thanks for being here guys, and please lemme know if you'd like to plot with Mr. Potter, HE WANTS FRIENDS/ENEMIES. Also Ginny. :D

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