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Graveswood Storylines

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[06 Feb 2020|08:13pm]

Hi all! I am currently working on this Cromwell girl and would love to hash out lines with any of the other members of the Cromwell family. Or other lines as wanted/needed, but family is what's most important.

What I have so far for Erin: she's 34 years old, with enhanced marksmanship for her power. She is a purist at heart, although not an ideologue. She is a detective on Graveswood's police force, and tends to be a straight shooter (not just literally). That said, she's adaptable and willing to offer her marksmanship services to those willing to pay - on the side, of course.

So! Cromwells and/or Cromwell-adjacent! Let's get together and plot. xo, xo.

[04 Feb 2020|02:46am]

Hi, everyone. I would like to invite all the Aldrich family members to a little coffee klatch to work out family details. Nail down basics. I can work around some stuff but would like a basic background. Are they brothers and sisters, cousins? Do they get along or not? Let's work on family dynamics!

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