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I'm alive. [Feb 8th 09 @ 10:50pm]

Hi guys, remember me? Due to personal issues, I kind of disappeared without warning. I suck, and I'm sorry.

..But I'm back, or rather trying to be. In my absence I kind of forgot where I owed tags or logs or any other plottagey ideas, so please hit me up here or on aim if there was anything you wanted done or had anything you wanted played out.

I'm around now until Thursday.

<3<3 Thanks for keeping it going.

02 post comment

[Feb 3rd 09 @ 10:40am]


Christian Bale freaks out on Terminator Salvation's DP after he walks into a take
013 post comment

[Feb 2nd 09 @ 10:28pm]

So guys! Beth here, with a plea for plot. Or, rather, plot and a plea for a specific character.

Gail was kind enough to hear out thirty minutes of plot rambling, and the gist is that I'd like to get Cassandra more active again and give her some direction, now that she has awesome relationships with Vicki and Jim and has met Barbara.

So: I'm putting the call out for David Cain. I can NPC him (or someone else could), but if he were NPC'ed he'd be a short-term plot villain, whereas if someone played him, there could be awesome ongoing father/daughter conflict. C'mon! I can even offer up an idea on a way to bring him in.

Specifically, the idea I pitched to Gail was that someone Cassandra had known from her youth (maybe Bronze Tiger, a la Destruction's Daughter) popped up in Gotham and she ran across him. Trouble Ensues at the Gotham auto show, he runs off, and voila. David knows that Cass is in Gotham. It's a great reason for him to show up, since she just kind of disappeared without warning five years ago. I have all kinds of ideas and would be happy to IM about them if anyone's interested.

Anyway! Just putting the idea out there, to see if anyone wants to run with it. If not, he can stay an NPC and there are still lots of ways to offer plot out to other PCs. Uh, that's it from me. Thanks!
02 post comment

[Jan 28th 09 @ 10:52pm]

Hey everyone.

Just a short message that may or may not be relevant a day from now.

I'm moving to a new apartment tomorrow but I SHOULD have internet as soon as I get there. If not, well, boo. But I shouldn't be gone too long at all. Just a heads up in case I do happen to disappear for a couple of days.

And if I do vanish, I expect you all to have done a lot of logs so that I have reading material ^-^

Talk to you all soon (hopefully)!
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[Jan 24th 09 @ 12:54am]

I always thought if they were in the same room, they'd break the fabric of space and time )
06 post comment

<3<3 [Jan 22nd 09 @ 2:42pm]

Hey folks, Happy Talk Like Batman day.

It's Tarran, your resident modly and Vicki/Harley/Ollie puppeteer bringing you some good news and lots of love for keeping this game going for 6 freaking months now(way to go GK!).

1. We've decided to up the character limit to 4 characters for person, celebrate..hurray!
2. We'll be adding more characters to the list soon enough, mainly civilians.
3. In lieu of the four character rule, I've taken up Selina Kyle a.k.a Catwoman. You can find her information here. Plot with her! She needs it, and I'm super excited about her.

So keep up the good work, and if you need anything or have any ideas for characters to add drop them in a comment here or IM me at SapphireSoho or EffYouAndy.
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[Jan 22nd 09 @ 2:21am]

February 2nd is "National Talk Like Christian Bale as Batman Day!"

I don't know about you, but I think this is going to be the best day ever!

If you have Facebook, the event is here.
010 post comment

[Jan 20th 09 @ 7:50pm]

Hello Internet, did you miss me?

Some of you know me, some not. I go by Bex, and Gail and Tarran finally convinced me to come play with them again. This here's a variation on Firefly, a rather low-key Batman villain. His name's Garfield Lynns, which is absolutely horrible, so he goes by Gar, which is at least not a cat's name. I'll get his profile and what-not up later. Key points, without the long-winded explanations - ex-theater student, obsessed with ideas about illusion and deception, will tell people whatever they want to hear to get what he wants. Homeless and likes it that way - no paper trail, no job, lives on free stuff. It's a long story. And I'll tell it, if you'll stand still long enough! Just not now.

So a bit about myself as a player - I been rping an embarrassing long time, on and off line. I have two kids, I just started a part time library job, and I'm a writer. My website's My AIM is bextrannen, feel free to hit me up online, though the easiest way to get in touch with me is through email: mommyfox at gmail dot com.

See you all online!
019 post comment

icons! [Jan 19th 09 @ 11:58am]

Hey guys, stumbled upon these while looking for Catwoman icons. Thought you baddies might dig 'em. Bad Guys and Villains Icon Community And here's a giant icon comm I found! Gotham Icons And for Gail Also....if anyone has any Hush Catwoman icons I'd be most appreciative.
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Disappearing Batman [Jan 18th 09 @ 10:50am]

Sorry for anyone I may have disappeared on. My youngest had an unexpected stomach illness the other night and I haven't been on since then. I'm not sure if he's over it yet so I'm still pretty much out of commission. I'll let y'all know when I'm back for good.

04 post comment

Modly post of Modding [Jan 14th 09 @ 2:28pm]
Hey everyone!

It's nice to see some logs back up on the site. Now that the holidays are over and school has started up for a majority of you, I'm sure it's a little easier to find time to get on and play, and that's awesome.

Since we're all pretty much back, we mods were wondering a few things, so please give us your input!

1) If we did an all-member inclusive thread, would you prefer it to be an in character thread or a kind of kooky, crack thread where everyone gets to associate and be silly?

2) A Dark Knight watching party? We could set up a chat as we watch the movie and just have a goofy time. It would be a good time for it as well since WB is re-releasing it in IMAX starting the 23rd. So if this is something you're interested in, give times that you're available and we'll set it up the best we can to include everyone.

3) I don't really have a 3rd thing to say, but I think a list of 3 looks much nicer than 2.

I do believe that's all. So please, comment here with your ideas and we'll see what we can do!
010 post comment

Lolbats and Special TDK features. [Jan 12th 09 @ 12:25am]


..And in honor of Heath Ledger winning the Golden Globes. )
01 post comment

[Jan 8th 09 @ 7:02pm]

Hey guys! It's Tarran! This is Ollie! I finally added him to the communities since I'm a sucky ass mod like Say hi, chat, and plot with him?
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To Do Lists, Role Call, Cry for Help. [Jan 7th 09 @ 1:55am]

Alright folks, it's time for me to start getting modly with my bad self.

Where are you folks? It's looking dismal around here and god damnit that simply will not do! You're all awesome! This is the best game I've seen in a while...Holidays are over, so I'm making a hopeful plea that some activity will pick back up in the next few days.

Anyways; I'm throwing my characters(Ollie, Vicki, and Harley) our there for your disposal and making a to do list, but mainly- I'd like a sort of role call if you guys don't mind? Some sort of response to let me know you're still around and alive?

To Do List )

So....drum roll.
016 post comment

[Jan 4th 09 @ 11:20pm]

My friend tells me about Birds of Prey. Babs proceeds to get loud )
02 post comment

[Jan 4th 09 @ 12:23am]


Hi everyone.

Long time, no post.

Anyways, this is my way of saying that I am still alive and I am sorry I have been slow on logging. I know I had a few scenes lined up and a few things I was planning, so I just need to know if the scenes are good to go yet or not. If so, post here, we'll discuss, and something will be done!

+ Batman and Huntress re-meeting
+ Huntress and Deadshot fight take 1
+ Huntress meeting Crane somehow
+ Huntress and Green Arrow
+ Dent and Tim talk again! I demand it.
+ Dent and Pam...yes, sorry, Marissa, I know this has been a long time coming
+ Joker needs a new target...who wants to volunteer? Maybe Harley stalking will occur soon.

I think that's all. If I forgot anything or if anyone has an idea, let me know. I'll be a little slow with school starting up and working, but I am going to try to stay on top of things.
011 post comment

[Dec 25th 08 @ 8:17pm]

To Whom It May Concern,

I would like to take this opportunity to announce that I have never at any time, voluntarily or involuntarily, laid an egg.

Thank you for your attention and have a very Merry Christmas.

-Tim Drake/Robin
05 post comment

[Dec 25th 08 @ 1:00am]

"Happy Holidays everybody!

Long winded diatribe )

So yes, I'm back. Merry Christmas, Happy Channukah, Eid al-Adha, Kwanzaa, Festivus, and whatever else you might feel like celebrating!

I'm around on SapphireSoho and EffYouAndy for chatting and if you guys have any plottage ideas for my girls or my new boy Mr. Oliver Queen whose yet to be formally introduced, hit me up here or on AIM.

See you around!
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[Dec 25th 08 @ 12:49am]


Happy Holidays!
07 post comment

[Dec 21st 08 @ 10:17pm]

Christmas is almost upon us. Hanukkah is already upon us. I COME BEARING GIFTS!!!!!

Tim gets a surprise from above )

Vicki Vale and Bruce Wayne reunite at the Penguin's Halloween party )

Jim and Babs Gordon discuss Jim's workaholic attitude )

The morning after with Helena and Floyd )

Cassie Cain discovers scented bath products )

Jervis decked out as the Mad Hatter )

The Question investigates a serious threat )

JP at the Halloween ball )

Jonathan Crane has one question for you )
04 post comment

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