September 2012

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August 8th, 2012

[info]heylittlej in [info]gossipghoulooc

Two OOC posts in a row... but this is Mel (again) bringing in Jenny Humphrey. Because everyone's going to need an on-hand designer once Saks and well and looted.

Anyway, any and all plot is much <3'ed and my contact post for Jenny is here. I think the plan is for a group to go on a quest to find Jenny (who's probably gotten herself stuck in a sewer with psychotic zombies... or something). So I'm looking forward to bringing her in!

[info]thebrooklynite in [info]gossipghoulooc

Hey guys! This is just an update on what's going on in the magical world of zombie-ified Gossip GIrl! First as you can see below, Mel has taken on Jenny in addition to Serena. So hurrah for more essential characters! The OC application is also up, if any of you were hankering to take on another character that's not canon. We're also making a Wanted Page, and it would be great if you could think of any characters or roles you'd like to see filled.

Emmy has stepped up to plate and is going to help me co-mod. She's already been a magical genie of RP behind the scenes, and I'm so grateful to her for taking even more on. We'll both be updating the game via the new mod journal [info]gossipghoulmod.

Lastly-- the threads! I'd appreciate if you'd break out new individual threads from the group thread, just to keep things easy to follow since it's been going on for awhile now. There will be a new group thread this weekend, but feel free to continue on with your individual threads. I know I want to explore Serena/Dan before we move forward in time.

Let me know if you have any ideas/questions/issues! And happy rping!
