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G O B S T O N E S; a 7th year trio-era game

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[30 Sep 2008|08:25pm]

Package left for Theodore Nott )
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Pansy! lolol [30 Sep 2008|12:15am]

In the few rare times Seamus was actually not in class/not plotting against the evils that were running the school with the other DA members, he often found himself wandering around the courtyards. The Carrows usually found it less suspicious than walking through the corridors, and even though the weather was getting colder they were probably the most comfortable places in the castle, outside of the common room.

He dropped down onto a bench and let out a breath, shoulders sagged greatly. It was hard to concentrate on anything, really---which made all of his time in class and with the DA rather pointless---since he'd learned that Dean was basically missing. Missing, because no one could find any information on him. Seamus didn't know where to find reports of who had been taken to Azkaban because of the bloody muggleborn registration act, and he didn't know if he was even allowed to contact him (everyone else had yelled at him for his journal entry).

It just---it sucked. He had no idea how he hadn't known how important his best mate was to him before he was--gone, and Seamus felt extreme guilt. Puffing his cheeks, he put his hands to his face, glad he was alone in the courtyard.
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[29 Sep 2008|07:35pm]

WHO: Ginny Weasley and Theodore Nott
WHERE: In the halls and TBD
WHEN: Evening
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

Why won't they leave her alone? )
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[24 Sep 2008|03:28pm]

WHO: Quintus Harper, Daphne Greengrass
WHERE: Slytherin Common Room
WHEN: Late evening
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

Read more... )
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[23 Sep 2008|12:45am]

Owl to Theodore Nott )
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[22 Sep 2008|10:44pm]

WHO; Daphne Greengrass and Zacharias Smith
WHERE; the stairs
WHEN; Before dinner
STATUS; closed/incomplete

The days just kept getting better and better )
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[18 Sep 2008|02:59pm]

WHO: Lavender Brown & Anyone!
WHEN: Between classes
WHERE: Outside
WHAT: Who knows?
RATING: We'll see.
STATUS: OPEN/incomplete

Yummy, yummy, yummy I've got love in my tummy )
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[17 Sep 2008|10:51pm]

WHO: Morag MacDougal and Theodore Nott
WHERE: Great Hall
WHEN: Dinner
WHAT: Theo's lending his notes to Morag
STATUS: Incomplete/closed

She wasn't very hungry.. )
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Thread for school! [01 Sep 2008|03:10pm]


The dismal rainy skies should have conveyed the mood among the parents and students at Platform 9 and 3/4. Everyone was bustling about, hugs lingered just a little longer and there was definitely a few less people than before. First years were herded onto the train by prefects or older siblings and friends greeted each other despite the daunting ride back to school this year.

The news of Professor Snape becoming Headmaster Snape and the fact that Muggleborns were no longer allowed at Hogwarts set the mood for the train ride. Hogwarts would be missing many of their students, but who could be sure what was true. Harry Potter, the Ministry's number one outlaw? Impossible! But he hadn't shown up anywhere!

The weather in Scotland wasn't much fairer, clouds hung above Hogwarts and the ceiling of the Great Hall refused to show anything but storm clouds with loud claps of thunder and lightning bursts across the charmed sky. A few of the Hufflepuffs, including Head Boy Ernie MacMillan waved at the incoming first years as they filed into the Great Hall for their sorting.
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[28 Aug 2008|10:57pm]

WHO: Tracey Davis, Quintus Harper
WHERE: His house, Kent.
WHEN: Mid-morning.
WHAT: Tracey drops in to see how Quint's holding up.
STATUS: Incomplete/closed

Pfft. Bliss. )
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The Daily Prophet Article [26 Aug 2008|08:25am]

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[20 Aug 2008|02:52pm]

WHO: Ophelia Rivers, Seth Garrows
WHERE: Her house, Oxford
WHEN: Evening.
WHAT: Ophelia's freaked.
STATUS: Incomplete/closed

one elephant, two elephant, three elephant, four. )
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[15 Aug 2008|10:31pm]

WHO: Daphne Greengrass & Quintus Harper
WHERE: His home, Kent.
WHEN: Right after he told her
WHAT: Consolation
RATING: We'll see
STATUS: Incomplete/closed

Now she really felt like utter shite )
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[16 Aug 2008|09:45am]

Owl to Daphne Greengrass )
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[14 Aug 2008|10:48am]

WHO: Lavender & Seamus
WHERE: Wauwinet Inn
WHEN: After the raid
WHAT: Lavender being a drama queen and Seamus saving the day!
RATING: PG-13 for Language, at most
STATUS: Closed/incomplete

i've made up my mind, i ain't waisting no more time )
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[13 Aug 2008|10:41pm]

WHO: Quintus Harper, Lucia Harper (sister), Titus Harper IV (father), Elisabeth Demers
WHAT: It’s a big morning. Quintus meets someone he rather wouldn’t, runs into his sister who relays the latest news.
WHEN: Wednesday, August 13 – morning.
WHERE: Harper Holiday House, Paris, France
RATING: PG (language)
STATUS: Closed/Complete

Anger. Shock. Anger. Shock. Anger. )
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