Thursday, May 28th, 2020

WHO: Mandy Slade and Mike Renko
WHAT: Very unexpected wakeup calls
WHERE: Mandy's apartment, NYC
WHEN: morning of May 27
WARNINGS: Besides swearing, nothing yet

All she can do is stare in dumb shock and hope the guy isn't some kind of slasher movie freak )
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Monday, April 20th, 2020

Who: Jordan McKee & Mike Renko
What: The local BCM representative visits a coffee shop, hilarity ensues
Where: Renko's coffee shop
When: April 20

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Saturday, April 4th, 2020

WHO: Singles who are ready to mingle!
WHAT: It's singles night!
WHERE: Slippery Slope in Chicago
WHEN: April 4

Looking for love in all the wrong places )
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