Saturday, May 16th, 2020

Who: Anyone who wants to get out and live a little
What: It's hiking time!
When: Saturday, all day
Where: Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

This month's hiking trip is the Navajo Loop and Queens Loop trail in Bryce Canyon National Park. It's a moderate to easy trail that can be done in 2-3 hours. Feel free to take your time, enjoy the scenery and have a great time getting in some nature!

Breathe in a little bit of fresh air, if you know what's good for you! )
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Sunday, April 19th, 2020

Who: Loki & Steve Rogers
What: Loki is bad at hiding secrets
Where: NYPD station break room
When: April 20, afternoon

Forever the thorn in your side. )
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WHO: Anyone interested!
WHAT: Monthly Saturday Hike!
WHERE: Black Canyon, Colorado
WHEN: April 18th, Saturday.

This month’s Hiking Trip is the North Vista Trail Hike — a beginner level hike in Black Canyon, Colorado. It’s three miles long, round trip and boasts some awesome vertical views of the canyon below it! Check out the 2,250 foot cliff of the Painted Wall created by the Gunnison River, get some fresh air and meet some new people!

Picture included! )
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Tuesday, April 7th, 2020

WHO: Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers
WHAT: Running into each other
WHERE: Grocery store in Brooklyn
WHEN: April 6

I knew him. )
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Saturday, April 4th, 2020

WHO: Singles who are ready to mingle!
WHAT: It's singles night!
WHERE: Slippery Slope in Chicago
WHEN: April 4

Looking for love in all the wrong places )
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