Wednesday, September 16th, 2020

WHO: Aerith & Beverly
WHAT: A second date with smooches on the ferris wheel
WHERE: Santa Monica Pier
WHEN: Before technology turned against the people
RATING / WARNINGS: Tooth-rotting fluff

Hopefully I get a third date too? )
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Monday, September 14th, 2020

WHO: Zee & Catra
WHAT: Catra is potentially going to join the circus!
WHERE: South Kensington, London
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: Noooooot really?
STATUS: Complete

I’m definitely going to want to talk about negotiating the amount of glitter in these acts, too. )
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Saturday, September 12th, 2020

WHO: Catra & Adora
WHAT: Cuddles with stoned Catra
WHERE: Their apartment in NOLA
WHEN: Evening, Tuesday the 8th
RATING / WARNINGS: Language, some drug use, very mild sexual content

I always knew you were weird but not magical-sword-turning-you-into-a-warrior-princess kind of weird. )
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Tuesday, September 1st, 2020

WHO: Catra & Adora
WHAT: Therapeutic vandalism, nbd
WHERE: Outside their old foster home in North Carolina
WHEN: Recently
RATING / WARNINGS: Language but that's it

Bet you dish duty that I can throw more eggs at this hellmouth than you, princess. )
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Friday, August 14th, 2020

WHO: Catra & Adora
WHAT: Being together after a long day
WHERE: Their apartment, New Orleans
WHEN: Tuesday night

Maybe next time you can just take it out on a punching bag? You know - something that doesn’t hit you back. )
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Sunday, August 9th, 2020

Who: Catra & Dan
What: Looking for some Dick - Dick Hallorann, that is
When: Today, the 9th
Where: Starting at Catra's place of employment, then off on the New Orleans streetcar

You know this is a crack house area, right? )
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Saturday, August 1st, 2020

WHO: Catra & Adora
WHAT: Dealing with new and old memories
WHERE: Their place in NOLA
WHEN: Backdated to the day after Adora's net post
RATING / WARNINGS: Language and mentions of abuse

Nothing really bad can happen as long as we have each other. )
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Friday, July 24th, 2020

WHO: Kara & Aerith
WHERE: The Bloom Room
WHEN: Friday afternoon
WHAT: Kara needs to do some decorating

Today was a fantastic day, and as such, Kara was in a really good mood. )
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Wednesday, July 8th, 2020

Who: Dan & Catra
What: Newly Adopted Disaster Child shows up for some advice
When: Today?
Where: Somnum, in LA
Rating/Warnings: Nah
Status: Complete

You’re nice. I genuinely don’t hate you. )
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Thursday, July 2nd, 2020

WHO: Catra & Adora
WHAT: Catra gets a surpriiiiiiiise
WHERE: Catra's apartment in New Orleans
WHEN: Today
RATING / WARNINGS: Language, most likely

She hadn't sent one of those clingy drunk texts recently that she took back as 'sry typo,' had she? Catra was pretty sure she'd been fairly sober the past couple days. )
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Friday, June 12th, 2020

WHO: Dan & Catra
WHAT: Catra sort of rescues Dan from a drunk drug peddler - and unknowingly gets adopted?
WHERE: French Quarter, New Orleans
WHEN: Today
RATING / WARNINGS: Catra's mouth is the warning

Stop harassing people. You’re selling stolen birth control, not ecstasy tablets. )
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