June 29th, 2011

[info]finncantdance in [info]gleesummer

Partyin' partyin' YEAH

When: July 2, 2011 4:00 - midnight
What: It's Kurt's Birthday Party!
Where: Lima Revival Theater
Warnings: Probably poor gift and clothing choices

Since Blaine was in charge of getting Kurt to the party, Finn and Carole had been enlisted for setup duty. )

[info]_mister_schue_ in [info]gleesummer

RFL Rehearsal

Who: Mr. Schue, Emma, New Directions and Warblers who are in town for the summer and wish to participate
What: Initial meeting/brainstorming session for song and dance ideas
When: June 29th 4:00pm
Where: Mr Schue's Apartment
Warnings: None
Status: Incomplete

He had his own ideas for songs to use, but this was up to New Directions. )

[info]imwithstoopid in [info]gleesummer

Dapper Makeover

Who: Brittany, Blaine (Jeff?)
When: Tuesday 28 June 2011
What: Blaine's Makeover!
Where: Brittany's House
Warnings: none
--- )

[info]duke_stud_wmhs in [info]gleesummer

Email - Karofsky to Abrams (aka David to Artie)

Date: Wednesday, June 29, 2011
To: arthur.abrams@mckinley.edu
From: DukeStud94@aol.com
Subject: Breadstix, Bully-whips, Football, PFLAG and yes... Glee Club

Read more... )

[info]jengalovingpip in [info]gleesummer

Date Night

Who: Nick and Jeff
What: First Official Date (After the Movie)
When: Thursday, June 30, 2011 9:50 p.m.
Where: Westerville Movie Theater, Jeff's VW Bug, Nick's Aunt Marta's
Warning: Cuteness, Kissing, typical warnings whenever Jeff and Nick are involved. Possible spoilers for Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, heavy making out, Foul Language

--- )

[info]wesleylee in [info]gleesummer

Angst Ahead

Who: Blaine, Wes, anyone else who shows up
Where: Cap'n'Jacks and surrounding areas
When: Wednesday, June 29, 2011
What: Wes, Santana & Blaine meet and talk about the night's events and Blaine's past.
Warnings: Talk of bullying, hospital stays, etc.

Wes texts Blaine )