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Thursday, April 14th, 2011

    Time Event
    Despite John's stellar pie chart-inclusive presentation--to which he got a standing ovation, he'd like the narration to add--he was told under no uncertain terms, the names were 'never going to happen, but the sparkles were a nice touch.' This was somewhat disappointing, but he can't say he didn't see it coming. At least he gave it his best effort. Lou was sort of grumpy, considering he was the one that had to do most of the clean-up, but John made it up to him by taping his soaps for the whole week without commercials.

    Lou's a very forgiving sort, especially when his soaps are involved.

    He will cry buckets when he finds out they're cancelled. Everyone is hiding this piece of news as of yet.

    Anyway. Time has passed since then.

    Lucky's carrot problem has escalated and steps must be taken to remedy this problem. Luke and Gates have returned from their trip, and no one is surprised when they seem none too apologetic about it. They have, however, been subjected to Tracy's constant and impressive ire.

    John, for his part, has enlisted everyone's help in building the crib. This is the finished product. It does not look like that at all right now. In fact, no one would guess it was a crib. Obviously, the boys have no such fashion taste and didn't choose the crib or anything surrounding it. This is Tracy-approved.

    John picks up one of the white-wooden boards, appearing to be increasingly confused. "Defusing a bomb's less of a complication, Christ."

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