Girly Book Love
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Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

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    Okay, so I know this is about books
    It's completely off the topic of books.
    Although it sort of pertains to books.
    Ever read a book where you just wanted to slam it closed and start beating the guy over the head with it? Seriously! They are so clueless when it comes to girls. EXAMPLE Ron in Harry Potter. I've always wanted to give him a good hard smack across the face to knock some sense into him. Basically, guys are complete idiots when it comes to how to act around a girl, or common sense in general. I always hoped it was only like that in books, but of course, I was wrong again. Just like I was wrong when I thought that I would find one book where the guy didn't do something stupid. Haha.
    Seriously though, girls, what's the weirdest thing that a guy has said to you? Or quite possibly the worst thing? Or most idiotic? I can think of quite a few.
    One of the stupidest things I've ever heard a guy say was something my ex boyfriend said. We were making out and he wanted to finger me and he asked me if my pants had a zipper. How many girls' jeans DON'T have a zipper? Seriously.
    Guys can be rude, insensitive, clueless or just plain stupid. That is a reoccuring theme in girly books. Gah.

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