Girl Gamers of the world unite! - January 21st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Girl Gamers of the World Unite

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January 21st, 2008

[Jan. 21st, 2008|01:49 pm]
[Mood | exhausted]
[Music |"Whistle Concert" - Mega Man 3]

I'm curious. I know about the older PS2 models that eventually stopped playing blue-back games or vice versa, but not this. Has anyone else had the problem of the system playing all disks, but not movies? Regular DVDs. It always worked in the past, but just recently stopped.

I'm just wondering. If only because I don't want to use the DVD player in the living room--there's an HD TV and I absolutely despise them.
Link7 have jumped Jump!

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