Girl Gamers of the world unite! - December 14th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Girl Gamers of the World Unite

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December 14th, 2007

Sigh [Dec. 14th, 2007|04:08 pm]
Well, it looks like my co-moderator has deleted her account, so yeah.

I'm looking for people to co-moderate the asylum. If you're interested, please post here.

Edit: Thanks to [info]escapee_of_lj and [info]katiegeek23, our new co-moderators.

In gaming news, I dinged to level 56 on WoW. Who says you can't be productive when you have the flu? :) For those of you who play, is it just me, or is the Christmas stuff a tad late? It's still not implemented, or I'm just missing out. I don't get it.

Edit Part Deux: The Christmas stuff was implemented on Garona, the server I play on. Yay.
Link18 have jumped Jump!

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