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[10 Jan 2010|04:31am]
Who: Zacharias and Shelly
What: They need to see one another since really, it's been too long and I promised I'd put it up and reply.
When: Night into early morning after Zacharias gets off work in the palace.
Where: Shelly's flat since she moved back in, as far as I'm aware. If not surprise she's there?
Rating: PGish.
Status: Incomplete.

I find nothing more depressing than optimism )
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Retail Therapy [10 Jan 2010|02:14pm]
Who: Gabi and Open
Where: Windowshopping in Diagon
When: Mid afternoon
Why: A Girl likes to shop
Rating; TBD
Status: Open/Incomplete

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[10 Jan 2010|05:02pm]
Who: Sirius and Tabitha
What: Sirius comes home
Where: Grimmauld Place
When: Evening
Rating: ????

All work and no play - can't have that. )
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[10 Jan 2010|09:30pm]
owl to: eddie carmichael
from: cici higgs

A question. How peculiar. )
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