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ANOTHER RETURN [18 Jan 2012|06:31pm]
I'm so sorry I dropped off the face of the earth! Work has just been kicking my butt.

But I am back!!! In the interests of... I don't even know what, I'm going to say Gabriel has been unconscious in the medlabs since his arrival, his body deciding he needed a fuckload of sleep after so long without it. But he's going to wake up... right about now!

Also Ali has obviously been quiet, but around. Doing things. Being helpful.

[18 Jan 2012|11:37pm]
Heeey guys this is Scout with my last character :))

This is Rahne, she's 24 and was a graduate of Xavier's School class of 2004! Back then she was still overcoming some issues from having been raised by a cruel, hateful mother trucker of a pastor in scotland so she was probably fairly reserved at first and struggled the most with accepting magick based mutant powers. She went away to college and is now back after about five years, called in by Jamie to work with X-Factor.

She is a bit less reserved, much more accepting of herself (even if she has the occasional struggle with it) and probably looks a lot less tomboyish to people as she used to have that cropped hair and plain outfits and now she wears her hair long and is a tad more into being stylish. She is going to have a struggle with her faith (hello mr. wagner :] ) too sooooo

I need old friends, new friends, ect. ect.

my aim is the usual: icethesun hit me up!!

[ viewing | January 18th, 2012 ]
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