ooc community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
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[11 Jan 2012|01:41pm]
Hey guys just wanted to make a post regarding my lack of activity! I've been working on my own game and then working for realsies so if I have not replied to something I should, if I owe you tags or you want to thread with my characters PLEASE let me know! You can hit me up here or on AIM: icethesun and I'd be happy to get my butt into gear. I'm usually off Tuesdays and Wednesdays so those are perfect times for me to catch up or stay up late all night to catch you weird time zone folks!

And jsyk all the characters I have at your disposal:

X-Men: Wolverine, Wisdom
X-Factor: Multiple Man
Students: Wallflower
Bhood: Copycat


Scout >:]

[ viewing | January 11th, 2012 ]
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