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[05 Jan 2012|10:59am]
omg I feel so shy right now.

so, I'm Jessi. And I think I know some of you from my time in another game recently and a few more from FOREVER AGO. HELLO OH MY GOSH.

Anyway, that's boring. What's interesting is HENRY P. MCCOY. You can read more about him here or I'll just give you the tl;dr version. Hank is made up of a million Santas and Twinkies. He's full of knowledge and hugs. He's the monkey man that will gladly give you advice or make you a sandwich. He is currently not blue but there is plenty of time for that, no worries *pat pat*. He's been at the school since he was a teen, was a little scarce while he went to college but hasn't budged since.

That is my offering to you, oh denizens of this game. Do you have anything for meeeee?

and next on the list is.... [05 Jan 2012|09:25pm]

I'm Anne and this is Kurt and his amazing history of sorrow! Most everything needed is here, but the tl;dr vesion is simple: circus performing gypsy child flees an angry mob who things he's a demon based on physical appearance and is rescued by Professor X to do good works. Easy!

Do not be put of by his humble beginnings! Kurt is adventurous and dashing, theatrical and easy going, hopefully gaining some friends in his new adopted family. And that's where you come in: please like Kurt on Facebook and follow him on twitter enjoy this new guy and see if he fits into the wonderful stories already ongoing in the game? Anyone challenged by a terrible countenance? Hey, so is he! Possibly pondering the meaning of morality in a world of cold science and mutant rights? Kurt might be a good sounding board for thoughts and ideas. DO YOU LIKE OLD MOVIES OMG KURT LIKES OLD MOVIES- well. Yeah, you get the idea. Uhm, thanks for reading this far. Email me day or night at the address in the app and I'll work on getting my AIM screenname up and working. =) Thanks!

[ viewing | January 5th, 2012 ]
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